Got a Minute?
We know how busy everyone is, and how overloaded we all are with information. Our mobile devices keep us plugged in 24-7, and just deciding what is important and what isn’t can be a chore. We also know that attention spans are getting shorter, not longer. There are a lot of reasons for that, not all of them comforting perhaps, but they are well documented. At CSAC, we know that if we really want to reach people we have to be concise in our communication.
It is with those trends in mind that we are rolling out CSAC “Power Minute” videos to augment the other communication tools we already employ. These videos will complement the more extensive written communication you also receive from us. We try to stay on top of trends and technology in our communication efforts. Our social media presence has exploded; our weekly electronic newsletter, the CSAC Bulletin, provides more in-depth content about many of the important issues we’re advocating for; and we are also using video more frequently to share county best practices and as a new advocacy tool. Video communication is growing at least partially because it makes information easily accessible even in a world that has become more mobile.
That’s why we are expanding our communication toolkit. Starting this Thursday, we’re going to begin offering minute-long videos featuring various subject-matter experts from CSAC. They will discuss CSAC priorities, the issues they are working on that week, hearings at the Capitol or regulatory agencies. We willl also spotlight CSAC events, such as our Legislative Conference in May, the Challenge Awards, or upcoming courses at the CSAC Institute. In about 60 seconds, you’ll get a quick look at the issue or event, how CSAC is approaching it and where you can go for more information. This minute-long video concept fits today’s need for brevity.
We will include the Power Minute videos in our weekly Bulletin on Thursdays and we’ll send them out via social media, too. It’s your choice whether you prefer this new medium on its own or as a supplement to our more traditional communication, but we hope you will take a look. The first one features CSAC Legislative Representative for Health and Behavioral Health Farrah McDaid-Ting. She’s discussing threats to the 340-B Prescription Drug Program, which provides a discount for counties buying prescriptions for jail inmates; and she also briefly touches on recent discussions about a single-payer health-care system in California.
In less time than it’s taken you to read this blog, you’ll be up to date on two significant issues facing California counties. And that’s the whole idea behind the Power Minute. We want to give you a quick, accessible download of pertinent information that helps you stay on top of the issues. Over the next several weeks, we’ll drop additional Power Minute videos into the weekly Bulletin on Thursdays and push them out on our Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram accounts.
The topics will vary, but the videos will be timely, important, informative — and well worth a minute of your time.