CSAC Bulletin Article

2024 CSAC Annual Meeting Recap: Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources Policy Committee

November 27, 2024

The Agriculture, Environment, & Natural Resources (AENR) Policy Committee met at CSAC’s 130th Annual Meeting. The Committee is Chaired by Supervisor Heidi Hall, Nevada County and Vice-Chairs Supervisor Jessica Pyska, Lake County and Supervisor Tod Kimmelshue, Butte County.

During the Annual Meeting, the AENR policy committee welcomed Senator Ben Allen as a guest speaker. Senator Allen, who authored Proposition 4, the Climate Bond supported by CSAC and approved by the voters earlier in the month, answered questions from the audience. The committee also heard a presentation from Michael Flores, Deputy Secretary at the Department of Food and Agriculture, who discussed county fairgrounds and their potential as climate resilience centers.

Supervisor Hall provided an update on the culmination of CSAC’s efforts on the Insurance Working Group and the Policy Principles the organization will adhere to when advocating on behalf of counties on the topic of homeowner’s wildfire insurance. The committee then voted to approve AENR’s 2025 priorities focused on three key areas: community resilience, energy storage and wildfire insurance. Additionally, the committee voted to approve the edits to AENR’s chapters on the county platform: Chapter Three: Agriculture and Natural Resources; Chapter Four: Energy; & Chapter Fourteen: Climate Change.

To access the meeting materials, including the Insurance Working Group Policy Principles, please visit CSAC’s website here.

For any questions, please contact CSAC’s AENR staff: Catherine Freeman, Senior Legislative Advocate, cfreeman@counties.org, Ada Waelder, Legislative Advocate, awaelder@counties.org, and Amber Rossow, Legislative Analyst, arossow@counties.org.

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