CSAC Bulletin Article

Action Needed: Provide Comments on OSHSB Petition 605 (Swinging Gates)

August 8, 2024

The Occupational Safety and Health Board (OSHSB) is considering updating existing regulations on horizontal sliding gates as well as creating a new regulation for Swinging Gates. We note that this petition (Petition 605) was submitted at the request of the sponsors of AB 2149, a problematic bill relating to gates that CSAC has an ‘Opposed unless Amended’ position on. CSAC is requesting county facility managers review the proposed petition to assess the potential impact it could have on county operations.

Please provide any concerns you have to Kristina Gallagher (kgallagher@counties.org). CSAC will continue to monitor this petition as it progresses through the OSHSB regulatory process.

Petition 605 Link: https://www.dir.ca.gov/oshsb/petitiondecisions.html

OSHSB Petition Process Link: https://www.dir.ca.gov/oshsb/petitions.html

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