CSAC Bulletin Article

Additional Medi-Cal Supports, Flexibilities for Members Impacted by Wildfires

January 23, 2025

In response to the Southern California wildfires, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) issued a release on the actions being taken to implement administrative flexibilities and ensure Medi-Cal enrollees maintain access to quality health care services. These efforts include a simplified enrollment and renewal process, waived requirements to access prescription medications and medical devises, activated emergency response protocols, and prioritized member transfers for displaced enrollees moving out of Los Angeles or Ventura counties. DHCS has also established an online resource to help answer Medi-Cal member questions about accessing services during this emergency.

In addition, current flexibilities for Medi-Cal managed care plans and Medi-Cal providers include:

  • Behavioral health services: Ensured relocated clients from evacuated facilities receive continuous care, with licensing and certification flexibilities supporting affected treatment programs.
  • Provider support: Extended reporting and administrative deadlines, enabling Medi-Cal providers to prioritize care delivery until the end of the emergency.
  • Managed care flexibility: Waived prior authorizations and referral requirements for applicable services to help Medi-Cal managed care plans and their network providers deliver timely care to members affected by evacuations and service disruptions.

DHCS has also submitted requests for additional flexibilities to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), including:

  • Supports for clinics and facilities
  • Additional protections for Medi-Cal members
  • Medi-Cal provider enrollment and reimbursement
  • Flexibility for long-term services and supports
  • Extension for reporting and claiming requirements

Additional information related to the new and requested flexibilities, as well as a full list of DHCS emergency and disaster assistance initiatives, can be found here.


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