Agriculture and Natural Resources 07/30/2010
Fire Safety
SB 1207 (Kehoe) – Oppose Unless Amended
As Amended on March 24, 2010
Senate Bill 1207, by Senator Christine Kehoe, will be heard in
the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 4, 2010. CSAC
remains opposed to this bill, which would amend the general plan
safety element requirements for state responsibility areas (SRA)
and very high fire hazard severity zones. It would also attempt
to strengthen the development review process under California
Environmental Quality Act by expanding the initial study
checklist to address fire hazard impacts of projects. CSAC’s
opposition is based on the cost implications of this bill, which
many counties have indicated could cost them thousands to
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sea Level Rise
AB 2598 (Brownley) – Oppose
As Amended on July 15, 2010
Assembly Bill 2598, by Assembly Member Julia Brownley, would
require a local trustee of public trust lands to evaluate the
impacts of sea level rise on the lands in trust. AB 2598
considers the impacts of sea level rise as directly related to
the operation and management of public trust lands and would
require that local trustees of these lands give management
priority to preparing a sea level rise action plan. While CSAC
acknowledges the importance and impact that sea level rise will
have on our communities, AB 2598 would impose additional planning
requirements on local agencies without providing any source of
funding. CSAC is opposed to this bill until an adequate source of
funding is identified. This bill will be heard in the Senate
Appropriations Committee on August 2.
Solid Waste
AB 2398 (Perez) – Support
As Amended June 23, 2010
Assembly Bill 2398, by Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, would
establish an extended producer responsibility program for
carpets. This bill would require manufacturers to submit a
stewardship plan to the Department of Resources Recycling &
Recovery (Cal Recycle) by September 30, 2011. After January 1,
2012, this bill would require manufacturers to have a
Department-approved stewardship plan. The goal of AB 2398 is to
improve product design, encourage reuse and recycling, and
provide convenient collection alternatives for consumers. This
bill will be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee on
August 2.
SB 1326 (Oropeza) – Oppose
As Amended on June 23, 2010
SB 1326, by Senator Jenny Oropeza, will be heard in the Assembly
Appropriations Committee on August 4, 2010. This bill would
require a local agency that submits a grant application to Cal
Recycle’s Local Government Waste Tire Cleanup and Amnesty Event
Program to first ask the local community conservation corps if it
wishes to assist with cleanup or amnesty events. The local agency
would then be required to include with its application a
statement that it has asked its local community conservation
corps if it wished to participate. If there is no local community
conservation corps in the city in which cleanup or amnesty events
would occur, the local agency would be required to include with
its application a statement to that effect. CSAC is opposed to
this bill because we believe it would detract from the
flexibility that counties currently have with regard to solid
waste and recycling management programs.
Hazardous Materials
SB 346 (Kehoe) – Support
As Proposed to be Amended on August 2, 2010
Senate Bill 346, by Senator Christine Kehoe, will be heard in the
Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 2. As reported in
previous e-publications, this bill would require that the use of
copper in brake pads sold in California be reduced to no more
than .5 percent by 2025. The bill also creates limits and
monitoring requirements for other brake pad materials. Scientific
studies have shown that much of the copper in urban watersheds
comes from the debris generated from the use of brake pads.
Pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act, two regional water
quality control boards in Southern California have already
established severe copper total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) to
address this problem. Failure to comply with the established
TMDLs will result in serious penalties to the responsible
jurisdictions. CSAC is supporting SB 346 measure because it will
improve California’s water quality and allow California
stormwater agencies to meet their TMDLs in a timeframe that is
aggressive but realistic for brake and vehicle manufacturers.
2009 Water Legislation Implementation
Ground Water Monitoring Elevation Workshops
The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) and the
Department of Water Resources (DWR) are co-hosting workshops
to discuss the draft SB X7 6, ground water monitoring elevation
guidelines. SB X7 6, by Senator Darrell Steinberg, was signed
into law last November as part of the 2009 Water Package. The
bill creates a new statewide groundwater monitoring program that
requires groundwater monitoring by local agencies, the county,
water replenishment districts, or a groundwater management agency
or association. The bill requires one entity from each of the 515
basins/sub-basins to volunteer to perform monitoring, or exclude
themselves from themselves from receiving any water grants or
loans administered by the state, leaving DWR to assume the
responsibility of monitoring. Entities must volunteer by January
1, 2011 and monitoring must begin by the beginning of
The workshops are free but registration is required. For more
information, visit the link at ACWA’s web site. Confirmed
dates for the workshops include:
Aug. 9, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. (Byron)
Byron Bethany Irrigation District
Aug. 10, 9 a.m. – noon (Fresno)
Fresno County Farm Bureau
Aug. 17, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Sonoma)
Sonoma County Water Agency
Aug. 18, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Redding)
Redding City Hall, Community Room
Aug. 24, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Riverside)
Western Municipal Water District Training Facility
Aug. 25, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Los Angeles)
MWD of Southern California HQ, Board Room
San Diego – Thursday August 26th from 1:30 – 4:30 PM
San Diego County Water Authority
Watsonville -Tuesday August 31st from 1:00 – 4:00 PM
Civic Plaza Community Room (4th Floor),
Bakersfield – Wednesday September 1st from 1:30 – 4:30 PM
Kern County Water Agency
Sacramento – Thursday September 2nd from 1:30 – 4:30 PM
Cal EPA Bldg
California Drought Contingency Plan Workshop Notice
A workshop on the soon to be released Draft California Drought
Contingency Plan (Plan) will be held August 10, 2010, from 1:30
p.m. to 4:00 p.m, at the Cal EPA Building Klamath Training Room
located at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Information on
traveling to the Cal EPA building is available at their web
The workshop, conducted by DWR, in cooperation with other State
agencies, will provide an overview and answer questions regarding
the Plan. It will also discuss potential updates of future
versions of the Plan, and potential roles for local agencies in
drought planning, response, and recovery.
Representatives of the larger water community, including water
agencies and collaboratives, local, state, tribal and federal
government, watershed and community groups, conservancies and the
public are strongly encouraged to attend. DWR will accept written
comments on the Draft Drought Contingency Plan through Friday,
September 20, 2010 by email.
To assure adequate seating, kindly RSVP to Ginny
Sajac at (916) 653-7101.
The Draft Drought Contingency Plan will be posted by August 4,
2010. The draft plan, additional information and materials for
this workshop will be available online at: