Agriculture and Natural Resources 12/21/2012
Cal EnviroScreen Tool Workshop
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) on
behalf of the California Environmental Protection Agency
(Cal/EPA) will convene a public meeting of the Cal/EPA Cumulative
Impacts and Precautionary Approaches (CIPA) Work Group on January
11, 2013, from 10 am to 4 pm. This meeting will be held in the
Coastal Hearing Room (2nd Floor) of the Cal/EPA Headquarters
Building located at 1001 I Street, Sacramento,
The purpose of this CIPA Work Group meeting is to provide advice
on a second public review draft of CalEnviroScreen Tool.
The CalEnviroScreen Tool evaluates and assesses the cumulative
impacts of multiple different pollution sources, including
pesticide use, toxic pollutants from facilities, and traffic
densities, to name a few, while taking into consideration a
community’s unique vulnerabilities and characteristics such as
environmental, health and socio-economic data (population age,
cancer rates, educational attainment, income levels,
According to the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
(OEHHA), the draft screening tool is meant to present a broad
picture of the burdens and vulnerabilities different areas face
from environmental pollutants. According to the draft document,
the potential uses of the tool include guidance for grant
allocations and prioritizing cleanup and abatement projects to
direct resources to the communities with the greatest need. It
may also be utilized to prioritize enforcement of environmental
laws and inform planning decisions about sustainable economic
development investments in heavily impacted communities. CSAC has
remaining concerns regarding the intended use for local
governments and the intended use of the tool with respect to
reviews under the California Environmental Quality Act
CSAC is also working on setting up an additional local government
specific meeting on the Cal EnvironScreen Tool in Sacramento in
the end of January. More information and meeting specifics will
be available soon.
The agenda and meeting materials for the January 11th meeting
will be available the week before the meeting here.
Delta Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Comment Period
The Recirculated Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Report
(DPEIR-Volume 3) on the Delta Plan is available for a 45-day
public comment period. As you may recall, the DPEIR reviewed the
possible environmental consequences of the Fifth Staff Draft of
the Delta Plan.
The Recirculated DPEIR (Volume 3), for sake of brevity, does not
repeat certain basic information contained in Volumes 1 and 2
about environmental baseline (e.g. existing physical conditions),
methodological information (e.g. analytical methods, thresholds
of significance, etc.), and other information that applies to all
of the Delta Plan alternatives analyzed in the EIR.
The 45-day written comment period on the Recirculated DPEIR
(Volume 3) commenced on Friday, November 30, 2012 and continues
through (and including) Monday, January 14, 2013. For more
information, visit the Delta Stewardship
Council’s website.