CSAC Bulletin Article

Brief Overview of the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)’ California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) CalAIM Justice-Involved Initiative

December 5, 2024

Alongside the Department of Health Care Services, the Council on Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health (CCJBH) shared via newsletter an updated (as of November 2024) overview of the CalAIM proposals that impact the criminal justice population, namely, the CalAIM JI Initiative (please note that CalAIM JI is referred to interchangeably as the CalAIM JI Reentry Initiative, including within this document).

Per CCJBH, the document aims to educate state and county-level criminal justice system implementation partners on the CalAIM JI Reentry Initiative, by highlighting the provisions of CalAIM that will impact individuals who are involved in the justice system, particularly those transitioning from correctional facilities into communities across the State. This document provides a high-level description of each of these proposals, including the responsible lead entity, system implementation partners, and implementation dates. A webinar that provides an overview of the proposals listed in this document is also available on the CCJBH website.

This overview provides information on the following:

  • Mandatory Pre-Release Medi-Cal Application Processes in County Correctional Facilities
  • Provision of Targeted Set Services 90 Days Prior to Release From Jail or Prison
  • Enhanced Care Management (ECM), Community Supports (formerly called “In Lieu of Services”)
  • Behavioral Health Links, Behavioral Health Community-Based Organized Networks of Equitable Care and Treatment (BHCONNECT) (formerly called the California Behavioral Health Community-Based Continuum (CalBHCBC) Demonstration)
  • Updates to Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System Eligibility Criteria
  • Peer Support Specialists

Please see additional links below:

During the 130th CSAC Annual Meeting in Los Angeles County, the Health and Human Services (HHS) and Administration of Justice (AOJ) policy teams convened a panel of county leaders from Inyo, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Yuba, as well as leadership from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), to discuss best practices and implementation of the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Justice-Involved (CalAIM JI) Initiative, also known as the Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative. A recap of this discussion, including a link to the slide deck presentation, can be found here.

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