CSAC Bulletin Article

CalAIM Justice-Involved Initiative Update: San Joaquin County Begins Implementation / Pre-Release Services in State Correctional Facilities

February 20, 2025

County jails and youth detention facilities in San Joaquin County are launching pre-release services under the CalAIM Justice-Involved Initiative this month, joining the Counties of Inyo, Santa Clara, and Yuba, who began offering pre-release services last October. According to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), since the launch of the initiative, more than 3,000 incarcerated individuals in county jails have received Medi-Cal pre-release services, such as reentry care management, physical and behavioral health clinical consultations, medications, and medication assisted therapy. All California counties will be required to implement the initiative in county jails and youth facilities by October 1, 2026.

On February 10, DHCS, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), and the California Correctional Health Services (CCHCS) also announced the expansion of the Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative to prisons statewide. The Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative allows eligible incarcerated individuals to enroll in Medi-Cal and receive targeted services during the 90 days prior to release. All participants are eligible for Enhanced Care Management and linkages to behavioral health care.

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