CSAC Bulletin Article

California Transportation Commission to Host Policy Recommendations Workshop for Senate Bill 1121

May 16, 2024

California Transportation Commission staff will be hosting two hybrid format Policy Recommendations Workshops to inform the development of policy recommendations for the Needs Assessment as required by Senate Bill 1121. One workshop will be in Southern California on May 30 in Los Angeles and one in Northern California on June 18 in Sacramento. Virtual attendance via Zoom will be available. Both workshops will cover the same material and will be recorded and uploaded onto the Commission’s website.

The purpose of the Policy Recommendations Workshop is two-fold:

  1. To develop First Principles that will guide the recommendations and
  2. To identify potential solutions for closing the gap between the State’s transportation needs and declining revenue. 

The agenda and additional meeting materials will be posted on the Commission’s Senate Bill 1121 webpage, along with the registration link for both workshops.

Please contact Nina Hosseini <niayesh.hosseini@catc.ca.gov> or Frances Dea-Sanchez <Frances.dea-sanchez@catc.ca.gov> for any questions regarding the workshops.

Southern California Policy Recommendations Needs Assessment Workshop

Date: May 30
Time: 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: 100 S Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90012. Conference Room 01.04A
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3ei7bVbKTKqLiGb3Bvz54g

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