CSAC Bulletin Article

CARE Act Data Dictionary 2.0 Now Available

February 27, 2025

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has released the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act Data Dictionary Version 2.0. The CARE Act Data Dictionary V2.0 was developed to guide county behavioral health agencies and other state or local governmental entities in fulfilling the reporting requirements as outlined in California Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I Code) sections 5985 and 5986. The CARE Act Data Dictionary defines, standardizes, and provides structured guidance for all required data points.

Effective January 1, 2025, counties are expected to report on the expanded data requirements included in the Data Dictionary V2.0. DHCS has indicated that there may be data quality issues specific to the measures included in Senate Bill 1400 (Chapter 647, Statues of 2024). DHCS has stated that they will work with county partners to address and work through these issues, but counties are expected to begin collecting this data to the extent they are administratively available. Additional resources on the CARE Act Data Dictionary, including training and technical assistance, is available on the CARE Act Resource Center Data Collection page.

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