CSAC Bulletin Article

Commission for Behavioral Health Seeking Input on Innovation Partnership Fund

March 20, 2025

The Commission for Behavioral Health, formerly the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), is seeking input on potential innovation projects that may inform the Commission on Innovation Partnership Fund (IPF) funding priorities. The Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA) establishes the IPF and directs the Commission to administer that fund. This provision replaces the Innovation program in the original Mental Health Services Act, which provided funds to counties for innovation projects that the MHSOAC reviewed and approved.

The BHSA provides $20 million a year for five years, beginning in 2026, for grants to public, private, and nonprofit entities that promote innovate behavioral health programs and practices. The Commission may also combine Mental Health Wellness Act funding, which includes an additional $20 million per year, to fund innovative, evidence-based approaches for crisis prevention, early intervention, and response. The funded innovations must be designed to improve BHSA-funded programs, particularly those focused on underserved populations, low-income populations, and communities impacted by other behavioral health disparities.

The Commission is calling for concepts that introduce statewide system change opportunities to meet the goals of BHSA, which have been identified to promote the following:

  • Target individuals with the greatest need
  • Reduce disparities
  • Develop housing for people with behavioral health conditions
  • Integrate substance use disorder and mental health
  • Make workforce investments
  • Support for children and youth
  • Measure impact

Interested stakeholders are encouraged to submit input through this linked survey by Monday, April 14, 2025. Note: Participation in the survey does not constitute a solicitation for proposals that will lead to future funding. The Commission is soliciting input for informational purposes only.

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