CSAC Bulletin Article

CPUC Rejects AT&T’s Application to Terminate Carrier of Last Resort Obligations

June 27, 2024

Last Thursday, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) dismissed AT&T California’s application A2303003, that requested to terminate their obligations as a Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) and no longer provide basic telephone services. This was welcomed news, as CSAC and many counties were opposed.

During the meeting, the CPUC committed to protecting customers’ access to basic telephone service – no matter where they live, their income, or access to other forms of communication. The full text of the final decision, Decision Dismissing Application (D.24-06-024) can be viewed here.

Also, the CPUC announced the start of a new rulemaking process to consider revisions to their COLR rules. Here is a link to the Draft Rulemaking.

Lastly, the work continues, as CSAC is in strong opposition to AB 2797, a horseracing bill that was gut and amended on June 10th by Assemblymember McKinnor, that now says telephone corporations seeking relief from COLR obligations will no longer need to fulfill those obligations if they submit a notice to the California Public Utilities Commission and make specific changes to their tariffs. AB 2797 will be heard in the Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee on July 2nd.

For more information, please see previous CSAC posts related to these matters:

Counties Encouraged to Provide Comments During Upcoming CPUC Hearings on AT&T Application For Relief From Carrier of Last Resort Obligation (February 1, 2024)

Counties Encouraged to Provide Comments During Upcoming CPUC Hearing on AT&T Application for Relief From Carrier of Last Resort Obligation (March 14, 2024)

CSAC Encourages Counties to Support Proposed Decision to Dismiss AT&T’s COLR Application (May 23, 2024)

Counties Urged to Submit Letters in Opposition to AB 2797 (June 20, 2024)

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