CSAC Bulletin Article

Final Budget Agreement Preserves Funding for Human Services Programs

June 27, 2024

CSAC advocated for the preservation of core safety net services that counties deliver to vulnerable Californians as a top budget priority. Counties strongly opposed January Budget and May Revision cuts to CalWORKs, Child Welfare/Foster Care, Adult Protective Services, In-Home Supportive Services, and homelessness programs administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The final budget agreement protects these programs and largely rejects the proposed cuts while reducing some funding to match actual expenditures of the program. County voices that highlighted how these services are vital for the residents of our communities were essential in helping ensure this funding was included in the final budget agreement.

Below is a list of the final outcomes for proposed cuts to human services programs that CSAC advocated against. For full details on all of these programs and outcomes for other human services items in the state budget, please see the Human Services section of the Budget Action Bulletin starting on page 25.


  • Single Allocation – The final budget agreement rejects the Administration’s proposed reduction of the Eligibility Administration component of $40.8 million in 2023-24 and ongoing and the proposal for a one-time reduction of $272 million to the Employment Services component.
  • Family Stabilization – The final budget agreement rejects the May Revision proposal to eliminate the Family Stabilization program beginning in 2024-25 and includes full funding for the program.
  • Expanded Subsidized Employment (ESE) – Instead of eliminating all funding for the ESE program, the final budget agreement reduces funding to ESE over two years to hold funding to the statewide spending level in 2022-23. Specifically, the final budget reduces funding to ESE by $30 million in 2023-24 and $37 million in 2024-25, with full funding restored in 2025-26. 
  • Home Visiting – Instead of eliminating $47.1 million for the program, the final budget agreement includes multi-year reductions to Home Visiting to more closely align with actual utilization of the program. Specifically, the final budget reduces funding by $30 million in 2023-24, $25 million in 2024-25 and 2025-26, with full funding restored in 2026-27.
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services – The final budget agreement rejects the May Revision proposal to eliminate all funding for the program. Instead, the final budget temporarily reduces funding to the program over multiple years to more closely align with actual utilization of the program. Specifically, the final budget reduces funding by $30 million in 2023-24, $37 million in 2024-25, and $26 million in 2024-25, with full funding restored in 2026-27. 

Child Welfare and Foster Care

  • Foster Care Caregiver Approvals – The final budget agreement rejects the Governor’s May Revision proposal to eliminate $50 million ongoing for county child welfare agencies to complete approvals for foster caregivers and instead maintains full funding.
  • Family Urgent Response System (FURS) – The final budget agreement rejects the Governor’s January Budget proposal to eliminate $30 million ongoing for FURS and instead maintains full funding.
  • Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP) Supplement – The final budget agreement includes the Governor’s January Budget proposal to eliminate $25.5 million ($18.8 million General Fund) ongoing for a housing supplement for foster youth placed in a SILP starting in 2025-26. Rather, increased housing supports will be provided directly to youth placed in a SILP through the implementation of the new foster care rates.
  • Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program – The final budget agreement rejects the Administration’s proposal to reduce funding by $13.7 million ongoing for the program.

Adult Protective Services (APS)

  • APS Expansion – The final budget agreement rejects the proposed ongoing $39.3 million cut that would have gone into effect 2024-25 and instead includes full funding of $70 million General Fund.
  • APS Training – The final budget agreement rejects the almost complete elimination of funding to support APS training included in the Governor’s May Revision. Rather, the final budget includes $9.4 million ($4.6 million General Fund) for APS training in 2024-25.

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

  • IHSS Backup Provider System – The final budget agreement rejects the Governor’s May Revision proposal to eliminate the IHSS Permanent Backup Provider System. Rather, the agreement reduces funding by $3 million in 2024-25 to reflect lower utilization.

CDSS Homelessness Programs

  • Bringing Families Home (BFH) Program – The final budget agreement rejects the May Revision proposal to revert $80 million General Fund from 2022-23. Instead, the final budget delays $40 million until 2025-26 and another $40 million until 2026-27.
  • Home Safe Program –The final budget agreement rejects the May Revision proposal to eliminate $65 million General Fund for Home Safe. Instead, the final budget reappropriates up to $92.5 million General Fund for Home Safe from 2022-23, available for expenditure until June 30, 2026.
  • Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) – The final budget agreement reappropriates up to $100 million General Fund from 2022-23, available for spending until June 30, 2026. The agreement also approves the May Revision proposal to revert $50 million General Fund from 2022-23.


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