CSAC Bulletin Article

Fire Hazard Severity Zone Local Responsibility Areas – Phase 2

February 27, 2025

The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) released the second phase of the local Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps (FHSZ).

Local jurisdictions are receiving notices from the Office of the State Fire Marshal on the Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. The State Fire Marshal is required to identify levels of fire hazard based on consistent statewide criteria and based on the severity of fire hazard expected. An LRA is an area where the local government is responsible for wildfire protection.

The OSFM is rolling out the maps in four phases, beginning with Northern California. A detailed map of the rollout plan throughout the state can be found here. For Phase 1, there were sixteen counties identified as having Moderate, High, Very High or a combination of Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ). For Phase 2, eighteen counties along the northern coast and bay area should have received notification of their proposed fire hazard designation.

Counties in Phase 3 should expect a notification beginning March 10th followed by counties in Phase 4 receiving communication beginning March 24th. Within 120 days of receiving the recommended FHSZ’s, local agencies are required to adopt the FHSZ’s by ordinance.

The OSFM has developed an information hub providing details including guidelines and instructions. The information hub is located here. The OSFM is requesting local governments fill out the Public Contact Survey which will be used for a public Webmap on the CAL FIRE-Office of State Fire Marshal website.

If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Freeman, cfreeman@counties.org.

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