Governor Signature Requests: Health and Human Services
September 19, 2019
As the Legislative bill deadline has passed, CSAC Health and Human Services staff took support positions on the following enrolled bills. These bills are currently being reviewed by the Governor for signature or veto. There are no HHS bills that CSAC is asking the Governor to veto.
Requesting Signature
This bill would expand the authority of current county homeless adult and family multidisciplinary personnel teams (MDT) in seven counties. This expands the data sharing capabilities to include individuals who are at risk of homelessness. In addition, the bill expands who can be included in the MDT.
AB 914 (Holden)
This bill would allow county welfare departments to continue to
suspend Medi-Cal eligibility for incarcerated individuals under
the age of 26, past the one year limitation in current
AB 1088 (Wood)
This bill would require the Department of Health Care Services
(DHCS) to request approval for an income disregard, to allow an
aged, blind, or disabled individual to remain on Medi-Cal without
a share-of cost if the individual’s eligibility would continue if
not for the state buy-in of their Medicare Part B premiums.
AB 1301 (Cooley)
This bill would transfer the administration of the Private
Adoption Agency Reimbursement Program (PAARP) from the California
Department of Social Services (CDSS) to county welfare
departments. Additionally, the bill changes the maximum
reimbursement rates for private adoption agencies through the
PAARP. The bill would allow for county welfare departments to use
any unspent funds for additional permanency related activities.
AB 1301 is sponsored by the County Welfare Directors Association
AB 1377 (Wicks)
This bill would require CDSS, DHCS, the Department of Education
(CDE), and stakeholders to examine ways to increase enrollment of
free and reduced meals program participants in the CalFresh
nutrition benefit program. The bill requires the departments and
stakeholders to identify barriers and solutions to a streamlined
statewide data sharing system. AB 1377 is sponsored by CWDA.
SB 10 (Beall)
This bill would require DHCS, in consultation with the Office of
Statewide Health Planning and Development, to establish a
statewide behavioral health peer support specialist certification
program for individuals with lived behavioral health experience.
SB 228 (Jackson)
This bill would require the Secretary of the California Health
and Human Services (CHHS) Agency to coordinate with the Director
of the Department of Aging to lead the implementation process for
the Master Plan for Aging established by Executive Order N-14-19,
which will identify policy changes needed to prepare for
California’s aging population. The Master Plan for Aging
Stakeholder Advisory Committee includes representatives from a
wide range of systems, including local government.
SB 428 (Pan)
This bill would require the CDE to provide local education
agencies (LEA) with evidence-based mental and behavioral health
training programs, to train classified school employees with
direct contact with children and youth. Implementation is
contingent on an appropriation in the state budget.
This bill would require DHCS to convene an advisory workgroup to work on the development of quality standards for youth substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. DHCS shall issue regulations for the SUD treatment quality standards for youth up to age 26, using the knowledge gained from the advisory group.