Housing, Land Use and Transportation 04/20/2012
AB 2314 (Carter) – Support
As Amended on April 11, 2012
AB 2314, by Assembly Member Wilma Amina Carter, would provide
local governments additional tools to fight neighborhood blight.
Specifically, AB 2314 would eliminate the sunset date on existing
statutory authority that allows counties to impose civil
penalties of up to $1,000 for failure to maintain vacant
residential property. The measure also provides new owners of
blighted property a sixty-day grace period in which enforcement
actions are prohibited as long as repairs are being made to the
property. The measure further requires banks to notify local
agencies when they release liens on foreclosed properties so that
demolition of blighted properties can proceed. Finally, the
measure provides that a property owner is liable for all
unrecovered costs associated with a receivership in addition to
other remedies provided for in the law.
One of the most significant consequences of the economic downturn
and collapse of the housing market – an unprecedented number of
foreclosed homes – continues to affect California’s local
communities and neighborhoods. Many foreclosed homes have fallen
into a state of disrepair creating neighborhood blight, public
health and safety issues, as well as further declines in
surrounding home values. California’s counties need to have a
variety of tools at their disposal to prevent and fight
neighborhood blight caused by the foreclosure crisis. AB 2314
provides local agencies with such additional tools.
AB 2314 was passed by the Assembly Judiciary Committee on April
17 by a unanimous vote. The measure is now set for a hearing
before the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee
on April 25.
AB 2447 (Skinner & Perez) – Request for Comment
As Amended on April 17, 2012
AB 2447, by Assembly Member Nancy Skinner and Speaker John Perez,
would create a competitive grant program for purposes of
financing, among other things, the purchase of foreclosed homes,
the establishment of land banks for foreclosed homes, the
demolition of blighted structures, and the redevelopment of
demolished or vacant properties. The bill would transfer $25
million from bond monies made available to the California
Homebuyer’s Downpayment Assistance Program from the Self-Help
Housing Fund to a newly created fund, the California Neighborhood
Revitalization Fund, for these purposes, and would make an
appropriation to fund the program in an unspecified amount. The
bill would require the Department of Housing and Community
Development to issue guidelines for purposes of implementation by
a specified date.
AB 2447 is set for hearing before the Assembly Housing and
Community Development Committee on April 25.
Public Works Administration
AB 1901 (Jones) – Support
As Amended on April 17, 2012
AB 1901, by Assembly Member Brian Jones, as amended, would reduce
the project cost threshold in order to use the design-build
method from $2.5 million to $1 million.
The design-build method is an approach to delivering public works
projects which CSAC finds beneficial. Under design-build, the
owner contracts with a single entity to both design and construct
a project at a fixed price. The owner prepares documents that
describe the concept of the project and the desired outcome for
the project. In addition to price, proposals are generally
evaluated on criteria such as best-value, qualifications and
design quality. There are a number of advantages to using
design-build, when compared to the traditional design-bid-build
- Projects can be completed faster, as construction can commence during the design phase.
- Contractors are provided with more flexibility over project design, materials and construction methods. This promotes project design and construction innovation, which can ultimately result in higher quality, as well as cost savings.
- Time-consuming and costly disputes between designer and contractor are reduced, because both parties are affiliated with the same entity.
By 2009, approximately nine counties had used or planned to use
the design-build method for project delivery for a variety of
projects ranging from parking facilities to parks and recreation
projects to fire stations, to mention a few. Counties and tax
payers in general benefit from the use of design-build authority
due to cost savings produced by this method of project delivery.
Furthermore, given the difficult economic times across the State,
local agencies need maximum flexibility to delivery projects
based on their expertise in choosing the right delivery
AB 1901 is set for hearing before the Assembly Local Government
Committee on April 25.
SB 1516 (Leno) – Request for Comment
As Amended on April 9, 2012
SB 1516, by Senator Mark Leno, would prohibit bid specifications
from requiring a bidder to provide submission of data
substantiating a request for a substitution of “an equal” item
prior to the bid or proposal submission deadline.
SB 1516 is set for hearing before the Senate Government
Organization Committee on April 24.
AB 1706 (Eng) – Concerns
As Amended on April 17, 2012
AB 1706, by Assembly Member Mike Eng, would:
- Make findings regarding the role and history of public transit in California;
- Eliminate the current axle weight limits for transit buses from January 1, 2013, until January 1, 2016;
- Create interim weight standards for public transit that would prohibit transit providers from procuring a transit bus weighing more than the gross weight of the heaviest bus in the systems’ existing bus inventory, in that new bus’s “fleet class” (with some exceptions); and,
- Require that the Secretary of the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency convene a task force to study a variety of issues relating to bus weights and the impact of heavy buses on highways, streets, and roads.
As explained, the majority of buses are currently operating above
the legal weight limit, and the cause of the increased weight is
a variety of state and federal statutory and regulatory
requirements that have been imposed after the weight limits were
established in law.
Counties value the services that transit operators provide to
California’s communities and we have made a commitment to explore
possible solutions with the sponsors. Unfortunately, as in print,
CSAC, working with the League of California Cities and other
stakeholders, has not yet identified a solution that is amenable
for all stakeholders. There are many different issues to address
including buses available for procurement, the impact of heavier
buses on local streets and roads, and roadway safety
Many cities and counties have made significant financial
commitments to their transit service providers. At the same time,
cities and counties continue to experience a staggering funding
shortfall for the maintenance and preservation of the local
streets and roads system. We cannot simply ignore the findings of
the most recent Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment which
reported a $78.9 billion 10-year shortfall. If there is any way
to continue to provide transit services without significantly
impacting the roadway system, it needs to be fully explored. For
this reason, we may be able to support the report requirements of
the bill.
However, we have significant concerns regarding the new interim
weight standards which create fleet classes for buses. These
provisions, without explicitly doing so, increase bus weight
limits to the weight the heaviest bus in the inventory of a
particular transit provider. In some ways, this would reward
those transit agencies that have disregarded current law the most
by allowing them to continue to purchase buses that far exceed
the legal weight.
In addition, enforcement of weight limits would be nearly
impossible. In order to enforce weight limits, an official would
need to know the heaviest bus in a particular fleet as of January
1, 2013, the “fleet class” that the bus belongs to, and when the
bus was procured.
CSAC and the League will continue to work with the author and
sponsors to find a mutually agreeable solution.
The measure has been set for hearing before the Assembly
Transportation Committee on April 23.
AB 2231 (Fuentes) – Oppose
As Introduced on February 24, 2012
AB 2231, by Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes, would amend
long-standing statues related to sidewalk repairs, drastically
changing current law and disrupting the many successful and
orderly sidewalk repair programs in place in cities and counties
throughout the state.
Current law provides that property owners are responsible for
repairs on sidewalks adjacent to their property. However, AB 2231
would effect a major change in California law by making cities
and counties responsible for the repair of any sidewalks they
“own” or that have been damaged by any plant or tree. The bill
also makes cities and counties liable for any injury resulting
from the failure to repair and prohibits cities and counties from
imposing an assessment on the adjacent property owner for the
repair of the sidewalk. These unnecessary changes would have
severe and negative impacts for cities and counties.
First, mandating cities and counties to incur sidewalk repairs
would result in significant financial losses, resulting in the
diversion of funds from projects that benefit the entire
traveling public such as street and road maintenance, storm drain
cleaning and sewage line maintenance.
It is important to note that after the passage of Proposition 13,
which reduced property taxes that fund many local services, and
also in fiscally difficult times, cities and counties are
continually forced to make tough fiscal decisions in deciding
which local maintenance projects can be sustained. It is
difficult to justify repairing a sidewalk for a homeowner in a
residential neighborhood instead of filling potholes on a
thoroughfare that serves as a primary route for the movement of
people and goods.
Current law provides a framework for local jurisdictions to work
from regarding sidewalk repair programs, and many local
governments have policies in place that go beyond statute, to the
benefit of the homeowner. For example, some cities and counties
have programs scheduled years in advance to repair sidewalks
street by street at no expense to the homeowner. The level of
fiscal commitment to the repair of sidewalks should be left with
cities and counties who are best equipped to assess available
resources and prioritize projects that benefit the community as a
whole, not the state.
Second, shifting sidewalk repair responsibilities and liability
for injuries will likely result in the reduction of new sidewalks
built, such as those provided under Safe Routes to Schools
grants, due to inadequate funding for maintenance of those new
Additionally, shifting sidewalk repair responsibilities will
result in additional strain on local General Fund monies normally
allocated to public safety and other vital programs and
It is also a challenge to ascertain who “owns” the sidewalk. The
abutting property owner usually “owns” an easement and a city or
county usually “owns” the underlying fee interest.
The “one-size fits all” approach outlined in AB 2231, would
create a costly and inefficient maintenance system that fails to
take into account numerous considerations relevant to the public
safety of residents, infrastructure planning, and limited
resources. Local jurisdictions throughout the state have created
long-standing, successful, and locally appropriate programs to
address sidewalk repairs in their city or county, including
remedies for potential concerns from property owners.
AB 2231 was passed out of the Assembly Local Government Committee
on April 18 by a vote of 7 to 0 with Assembly Members Rich Gordon
and Steve Knight abstaining. The measure is now set for a hearing
before the Assembly Judiciary Committee on April 24.