Housing, Land Use and Transportation 05/25/2012
AB 2447 (Skinner & Perez) – Support in Concept
As Amended on April 30, 2012
AB 2447, by Assembly Member Nancy Skinner and Speaker John Perez,
the California Neighborhood Revitalization Partnership Act of
2012, would create a competitive grant program for financing the
purchase of foreclosed homes, the establishment of land banks for
foreclosed homes, the demolition of blighted structures, and the
redevelopment of demolished or vacant properties. The bill would
transfer $25 million from bond monies made available to the
California Homebuyer’s Downpayment Assistance Program from the
Self-Help Housing Fund to a newly created fund, the California
Neighborhood Revitalization Fund, for these purposes. Finally,
the California Housing Finance Authority would be required to
develop and issue guidelines for implementation of the grant
program by March 2013.
CSAC supports the goal of the measure – to address the negative
effects of the foreclosure crisis on California’s neighborhoods
and communities. Furthermore, CSAC supports efforts for the
development and financing of affordable housing for
low-to-moderate income households.
While we support the goals of the measure, we offered the
following comments from counties for the authors and committee
members to consider during the hearing:
- The five percent administration cost allowance provided for in Section 53569(d) is too low if applied to the grant recipients. A minimum of ten percent of the grant award is needed for administration.
- Section 53572 (2) requires “a contribution of a specified percentage of funds leveraged from other sources”. Given the recent loss of the 20 percent set-aside for low-income housing, the lack of other local funds, and the continued cutbacks at the state level in regard to other state funding programs, it may be very difficult for some jurisdictions to secure additional funding for leverage. For those counties that have been severely affected by foreclosures, it seems to give an advantage to jurisdictions that have been less affected by foreclosures, whose economies may be more robust, and have more funds available to access for use as leverage.
- The program should set-aside a certain percentage of the overall funds for smaller/rural jurisdictions. For example, smaller counties were not eligible to apply for the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Often times it is challenging for smaller/rural jurisdictions to compete with larger agencies in grant programs even though these areas have been negatively affected by the foreclosure crisis. A rural set-aside would level the playing field by guaranteeing at least a small portion of the funds are eligible for these areas.
AB 2447 was passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 25. The measure now awaits action by the entire Assembly.
AB 1706 (Eng) – Concerns
As Amended on April 30, 2012
AB 1706, by Assembly Member Mike Eng, would:
- Make findings regarding the role and history of public transit in California;
- Exempt transit buses from the current axle weight limits until January 1, 2016;
- Allow, until December 31, 2015, public transit agency contracts for the procurement of public transit buses issued after January 1, 2013, to purchase buses that do not exceed 22,400 pounds; and,
- Require that the Secretary of the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency convene a task force to study a variety of issues relating to bus weights and the impact of heavy buses on highways, streets, and roads.
As explained, the majority of buses are currently operating above
the legal weight limit, and the cause of the increased weight is
a variety of state and federal statutory and regulatory
requirements that have been imposed after the weight limits were
established in law.
Counties value the services that transit operators provide to
California’s communities and we have made a commitment to explore
possible solutions with the sponsors. Unfortunately, as in print,
CSAC, working with the League of California Cities and other
stakeholders, have not yet identified a solution that is amenable
for all stakeholders. There are many different issues to address
including buses available for procurement, the impact of heavier
buses on local streets and roads, and roadway safety
Many cities and counties have made significant financial
commitments to their transit service providers. At the same time,
cities and counties continue to experience a staggering funding
shortfall for the maintenance and preservation of the local
streets and roads system. We cannot simply ignore the findings of
the most recent Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment which
reported a $78.9 billion 10-year shortfall. If there is any way
to continue to provide transit services without significantly
impacting the roadway system, it needs to be fully explored. For
this reason, we may be able to support the report requirements of
the bill.
CSAC and the League will continue to work with the author and
sponsors to find a mutually agreeable solution.
AB 1706 was passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee
on May 25. The measure now awaits action by the entire
AB 1780 (Bonilla) – Support
As Amended on March 29, 2012
AB 1780, by Assembly Member Susan Bonilla, would direct the
Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to pay for the oversight
of planning documents that are paid for by local agencies and
make improvements to the State Highway System. Specifically, the
measure seeks to statutorily direct Caltrans’ transportation
planning review department to pay for their own staff cost of
reviewing planning documents (referred to as PIDs) from the State
Highway Account (SHA).
A PID is an initial report that outlines the potential scope,
cost, and schedule for a transportation project that impacts the
state highway. Caltrans’ current reimbursement policy requires
cooperative agreements to be negotiated between the local agency
sponsor and Caltrans before the review of any PID documents. This
adds delay and costs, negating ANY reforms that seek to
streamline or reform the PID review process. AB 1780 eliminates
the reimbursement policy, providing a streamline effect for
project approval by removing the need for cooperative agreements
between local agencies and Caltrans. Combined with other reforms
developed by Caltrans, AB 1780 would facilitate sound, cost
effective and timely decisions are incorporated into these
initial planning documents.
AB 1780 was passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee
on May 25. It now awaits action on the Assembly Floor.
AB 2231 (Fuentes) – Oppose
As Amended on May 25, 2012
AB 2231, by Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes, was significantly
amended in the Assembly Appropriations Committee, and would now
require voter approval before cities and counties could implement
state law that states that property owners adjacent to sidewalks
are responsible for sidewalk repair.
Cities and counties across California have taken bold steps to
increase the walkability of their communities. They have found
ways to balance the competing needs of pedestrians, property
owners, and the city. Local governments make every attempt to
fund sidewalk repair, and have used a variety of funds to pay for
sidewalk repair including redevelopment funds, federal Community
Development Block Grants, gasoline tax revenues, and Safe Routes
to Schools programs. Unfortunately, all of these funds are either
obsolete or in jeopardy of significant cuts. If cities and
counties are unable to find another solution, which sometimes may
include updating an ordinance, sidewalks will simply remain in a
state of disrepair.
Locally elected officials have traditionally decided what is best
for their communities. It’s what locally elected officials are
elected to do. As State Legislators can understand, these
decisions, while in the best interest of a community, may not be
most popular. The ability for city councils and county boards of
supervisors to decide how best to balance infrastructure needs is
absolutely critical given shrinking resources available to local
Many local governments have voluntarily implemented policies that
go beyond current law to the benefit of the homeowner. For
example, some cities and counties have programs scheduled years
in advance to repair sidewalks street by street at no expense to
the homeowner. In the future, however, if cities and counties are
unable to make changes to these policies they will be unlikely to
take the extra step in the first place.
Just as State Elected Officials are elected to make decisions on
behalf of constituents, so are locally elected officials. We
believe administrative decisions like how to fund sidewalks are
exactly the type of decision locally elected officials are
elected to make. AB 2231 undermines their ability to make
sure that sidewalk repairs are completed.
AB 2231 was passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee
on May 25. It now awaits action on the Assembly Floor.
We urge all counties to send letters of opposition to their
representatives in the Assembly on the measure. It could be taken
up as early as next week.