Housing, Land Use and Transportation 06/22/2012
AB 2314 (Carter) – Support
As Amended on June 14, 2012
AB 2314, by Wilmer Amina Carter, would provide local governments
additional tools to fight neighborhood blight.
Specifically, the measure would eliminate the sunset date on
existing statutory authority that allows counties to impose civil
penalties of up to $1,000 for failure to maintain vacant
residential property. The measure also provides new owners of
blighted property a sixty-day grace period in which enforcement
actions are prohibited as long as repairs are being made to the
property. The measure further requires banks to notify local
agencies when they release liens on foreclosed properties so that
demolition of blighted properties can proceed. Finally, the
measure provides that a property owner is liable for all
unrecovered costs associated with a receivership in addition to
other remedies provided for in the law.
One of the most significant consequences of the economic downturn
and collapse of the housing market – an unprecedented number of
foreclosed homes – continues to affect California’s local
communities and neighborhoods. Many foreclosed homes have fallen
into a state of disrepair creating neighborhood blight, public
health and safety issues, as well as further deterioration to
surrounding home values. California’s counties need to have a
variety of tools at their disposal to prevent and fight
neighborhood blight caused by the foreclosure crisis. AB 2314
provides local agencies with such additional tools.
AB 2314 is scheduled for a hearing before the Senate Judiciary
Committee on June 26.
Public Works Administration
SB 1516 (Leno) – Oppose
As Amended on June 18, 2012
SB 1516, by Senator Mark Leno, would effectively eliminate a
local agency’s right to require substitution requests from
bidders prior to the submission of bids unless they first
establish a specific procedure for doing so. SB 1516 also allows
a bidder whose proposed “or equal” item is rejected to issue a
court challenge.
The measure will muddy the process of pre-bid substitution
requests and will inevitably result in increased court costs to
public agencies. The amendments will allow a contractor who is
unhappy with the decision of a public agency to drag the agency
into court. However, at the end of the lengthy and expensive
court process, there is no discernible benefit for either
In addition, the June 18 amendments requiring a public agency to
establish a specific procedure if they require substitution
requests prior to bid submission are an unfunded mandate on
public agencies, the cost of which will likely further discourage
agencies from requiring pre-bid submission of substitution
SB 1516 would unnecessarily complicate the bid and award process
and cause an increase in award protests and court challenges.
The measure is scheduled for a hearing before the Assembly
Business, Professions, and Consumer Protection Committee on June
AB 1706 (Eng) – Concerns
As Amended on May 25, 2012
AB 1706, by Assembly Member Mike Eng, would require that the
Secretary of the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency
convene a task force to study a variety of issues relating to bus
weights and the impact of heavy buses on highways, streets, and
roads and increase weight limits during the study period from
20,500 to 22,400 pounds.
According to the sponsors, the majority of buses are currently
operating above the legal weight limit and the cause of the
increased weight is a variety of state and federal statutory and
regulatory requirements that have been imposed after the weight
limits were established in law. Cities and counties appreciate
the many conversations the author and sponsors have had with our
organizations about the troubling results of the new laws and
Many cities and counties have made significant financial
commitments to their transit service providers. At the same time,
cities and counties continue to experience a staggering funding
shortfall for the maintenance and preservation of the local
streets and roads system. The findings of the most recent Local
Streets and Roads Needs Assessment reported a $78.9 billion
10-year shortfall. If there is any way to continue to provide
transit services without significantly impacting the roadway
system, it needs to be fully explored. For this reason, we
continue to have concerns about the increased weight limits, but
support the report requirements of the bill.
CSAC values the services that transit operators provide to our
communities and we have made a commitment to explore possible
solutions with the sponsors. In order to address this policy
dilemma, additional information is necessary in order to
determine the most cost effective solution, whether it is to
invest in new lighter buses that meet California’s regulatory and
statutory standards or to improve the design of the streets and
roads and highways that serve as transit routes.
AB 1706 is set for hearing before the Senate Transportation and
Housing Committee on June 26.
AB 2231 (Fuentes) – Oppose
As Amended on May 31, 2012
AB 2231, by Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes, would require voter
approval before cities and counties could implement state law
that states that property owners adjacent to sidewalks are
responsible for sidewalk repair.
CSAC is opposed to AB 2231 in its current form and all other
previous forms of the measure as we believe counties and cities
must retain existing authority to fund sidewalk repairs in a
manner that allows individual communities to balance all of the
needs on the transportation network. Additionally, we have
significant concerns with the dangerous precedent that would be
set should AB 2231 become law. Every day local legislative
actions should not be subject to voter approval. Decisions over
local municipal matters should remain the domain of local elected
County Boards and City Councils.
AB 2231 was passed out of the Assembly Local Government Committee
on June 20 with six aye votes and three abstentions. During the
hearing, the author noted that he intended to amend the bill
should it make it to the Senate to add back into the measure
provisions that would prohibit counties and cities from assessing
fees for the cost of sidewalk repairs. Unfortunately, CSAC is
also opposed to these provisions. In fact, many members of the
Assembly voted against AB 2231 on the Assembly Floor on May 31
because of their opposition to this provision. It is unclear at
this time whether it will succeed on the Assembly Floor where it
is now awaiting action.
ACA 23 (Perea) – Support
As Introduced on February 23, 2012
ACA 23, by Assembly Member Henry Perea, would allow for the
imposition, extension, or increase of a special tax, by a local
government for the purpose of providing funding for local
transportation projects upon the approval of 55% of its voters
from the current two-thirds voter requirement.
Current funding mechanisms for California’s transportation
systems fall far short of needs, both short and long-term. The
2010 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs
Assessment Study concluded that there is a 10-year funding
shortfall of over $79 billion for the local transportation
network alone. When needs outweigh available resources, it is
imperative that state and local governments, as well as other
transportation stakeholders, work cooperatively to identify
alternative ways to fund those needs to ensure a long-term
seamless transportation system for our state.
ACA 23 provides local governments with a better tool for raising
additional, much needed transportation funds in communities
across California. Many counties, both small and large, would
benefit from a reduced voter threshold and would in fact attempt
local bonds for transportation purposes in their county should
ACA 23 be signed into law.
ACA 23 is set for hearing before the Assembly Local Government
Committee on June 27.