Housing, Land Use and Transportation 08/17/2012
AB 2447 (Skinner) – Support
As Amended on August 6, 2012
AB 2447, by Assembly Member Nancy Skinner, the California
Neighborhood Revitalization Partnership Act of 2012, would create
a competitive grant program for financing the purchase of
foreclosed homes, the demolition of blighted structures that are
foreclosed or abandoned, and the redevelopment of demolished or
vacant properties.
CSAC supports the goal of the measure – to address the negative
effects of the foreclosure crisis on California’s neighborhoods
and communities. Furthermore, CSAC supports efforts for the
development and financing of affordable housing for
low-to-moderate income households.
AB 2447 was held on the suspense file in the Senate
Appropriations Committee on August 16 and is no longer moving
through the legislative process.
AB 1780 (Bonilla) – Support
As Amended on March 29, 2012
AB 1780, by Assembly Member Susan Bonilla, would direct the
Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to pay for the oversight
of planning documents that are paid for by local agencies and
make improvements to the State Highway System. Specifically, the
measure seeks to statutorily direct Caltrans’ transportation
planning review department to pay for their own staff cost of
reviewing planning documents (referred to as PIDs) from the State
Highway Account (SHA).
A PID is an initial report that outlines the potential scope,
cost, and schedule for a transportation project that impacts the
state highway. Caltrans’ current reimbursement policy requires
cooperative agreements to be negotiated between the local agency
sponsor and Caltrans before the review of any PID documents. This
adds delay and costs, negating ANY reforms that seek to
streamline or reform the PID review process. AB 1780 eliminates
the reimbursement policy, providing a streamline effect for
project approval by removing the need for cooperative agreements
between local agencies and Caltrans. Combined with other reforms
developed by Caltrans, AB 1780 would facilitate sound, cost
effective and timely decisions are incorporated into these
initial planning documents.
AB 1780 was held on the suspense file in the Senate
Appropriations Committee on August 16 and is no longer moving
through the legislative process.
AB 2231 (Fuentes) – Oppose
As Amended on June 28, 2012
AB 2231, by Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes, would require voter
approval before cities and counties could implement state law
that states that property owners adjacent to sidewalks are
responsible for sidewalk repair. Further, the bill would prohibit
cities and counties that have an ordinance in place that requires
that local entity to repair sidewalks, from imposing a fee,
charge, or assessment, except a voluntary contractual assessment,
for sidewalk repairs against an owner of private property
fronting on any portion of a sidewalk, unless a repeal of that
local entity’s sidewalk repair ordinance is approved by the
CSAC is opposed to AB 2231 in its current form and all other
previous forms of the measure as we believe counties and cities
must retain existing authority to fund sidewalk repairs in a
manner that allows individual communities to balance all of the
needs on the transportation network. Additionally, we have
significant concerns with the dangerous precedent that would be
set should AB 2231 become law. Every day local legislative
actions should not be subject to voter approval. Decisions over
local municipal matters should remain the domain of local elected
County Boards and City Councils.
AB 2231 was held on the suspense file in the Senate
Appropriations Committee on August 16 and is no longer moving
through the legislative process.
ACA 23 (Perea) – Support
As Introduced on February 23, 2012
ACA 23, by Assembly Member Henry Perea, would allow for the
imposition, extension, or increase of a special tax, by a local
government for the purpose of providing funding for local
transportation projects upon the approval of 55% of its voters
from the current two-thirds voter requirement.
Current funding mechanisms for California’s transportation
systems fall far short of needs, both short and long-term. The
2010 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs
Assessment Study concluded that there is a 10-year funding
shortfall of over $79 billion for the local transportation
network alone. When needs outweigh available resources, it is
imperative that state and local governments, as well as other
transportation stakeholders, work cooperatively to identify
alternative ways to fund those needs to ensure a long-term
seamless transportation system for our state.
ACA 23 provides local governments with a better tool for raising
additional, much needed transportation funds in communities
across California. Many counties, both small and large, would
benefit from a reduced voter threshold and would in fact attempt
local bonds for transportation purposes in their county should
ACA 23 be signed into law.
ACA 23 was passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on
August 16 by a vote of 12 to 5. The measure now awaits action on
the Senate Floor.
SB 878 (DeSaulnier) – Concerns
As Amended on August 9, 2012
SB 878, by Senator Mark DeSaulnier, would establish an
independent Office of Transportation Inspector General (OTIG) to
ensure that transportation funds are operating efficiently,
effectively, and in compliance with applicable federal and state
laws. The OTIG would review policies, practices, and procedures,
and conduct audits and investigations of all activities involving
state transportation funds, in consultation with all affected
agencies. Further, the measure would stipulate that funding for
OTIG would come from federal transportation funds to the extent
possible, with any shortfall in federal funding to come
proportionately from the Highway Users Tax Account and an account
funding high-speed rail.
CSAC, joining the League of California Cities in our concerns,
strongly support transparency, accountability, efficiency and
effectiveness at all levels of government. We do not oppose the
idea of an Office of the Transportation Inspector General, but we
do have multiple concerns with SB 878 as currently drafted. These
concerns include:
- Several state agencies and departments would have duplicative auditing and investigatory authority;
- SB 878 lacks criteria to delineate when audits should occur;
- SB 878 imposes significant costs on local agencies;
- SB 878 should include a response process for agencies being audited or investigated;
- Identification of best practices for projects should be a collaborative process with stakeholders; and
- Funding for the Inspector General should not negatively impact project funding any more than is absolutely necessary.
SB 878 was passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 16 by a vote of 12 to 5. The measure now awaits action on the Senate Floor.