CSAC Bulletin Article

Implementing the CARE Act Petition Process: A Provider’s Experience

February 27, 2025

Counties are invited to join the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) on Thursday March 13th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for ‘Implementing the CARE Act Petition Process: A Provider’s Experience,’ a presentation by representatives of the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) who will share their experience and lessons learned in the implementation of processes to support the filing of CARE Act petitions for eligible patients deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial. 

The presentation will cover:

  • Brief background and historical context
  • Setting up internal processes and training team members
  • Completing and filing CARE Act petitions
  • Engaging and educating patients
  • Responding to privacy concerns

Please share with applicable county staff. Please register for the presentation here.

Any technical difficulties with Zoom registration? You can reach out to CAREAct@chhs.ca.gov for assistance.

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