CSAC Bulletin Article

New: LAO Report Examines Behavioral Health Infrastructure Investments

February 6, 2024

This week, the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) released a new report, “Building California’s Behavioral Health Infrastructure: Progress Update and Opportunities for the Proposition 1 Bond.” The report examines the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP), which was established through the 2021 budget to help address the statewide shortage of behavioral health treatment facilities, and reviews the allocation and outcomes of the $1.8 billion in awards already made ahead of the $3.3 billion of Proposition 1 bond dollars that the Administration seeks to start allocating in May. The report concludes with various questions and considerations the Legislature may consider for oversight of these funds, including assessing which program changes may be merited for the administration of these bond dollars.  

Of note, the LAO report raises critical questions on how BHCIP awards align with capacity needs across the state, potential barriers that prevent small counties from receiving funding, and how the  scoring preference for launch-ready projects, as well as the administrative complexities of the program, may hamper efforts to stand up new behavioral health facilities in communities with the highest needs.

Read the full report here.

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