CSAC Bulletin Article

Notice of Funding Availability for Round 6 of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program 

February 27, 2025

Governor Newsom announced the release of the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Round 6 of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program. The NOFA makes $760 million available, as appropriated through the 2024 Budget Act, in HHAP Round 6 funds to counties, large cities, and continuums of care (CoCs). The HHAP Program provides flexible funding to support regional efforts to address homelessness in communities across the state. The HHAP Round 6 Allocations can be found here.  

Counties successfully advocated for a sixth round of funding under HHAP in the 2024-25 State Budget after additional homelessness funding was excluded from the Governor’s January Budget and May Revision. The final budget agreement included $1 billion in total HHAP funding, including the $760 million for regional allocations included in the newly released NOFA. As previously reported in a CSAC update, the HHAP Round 6 includes new requirements related to program administration, regional plans, funding, and accountability. Notably, HHAP 6 applicants will be required to have a compliant housing element and meet previous HHAP rounds obligation and expenditure deadlines in order to receive funding.  

In addition to the HHAP Round 6 NOFA announcement, the Governor announced the release of nearly $42 million of HHAP Round 5 funding for five regions that had applications still pending last fall when the first batch of funding was announced. These regions include: Butte County, El Dorado County, Nevada County, Orange County, and the Colusa/Glenn/Trinity Counties Region. The breakdown of these awards is available here. Finally, Governor Newsom announced $118.7 million in Encampment Resolution Funding to support 14 projects intended to move people out of encampments and into safe shelter and housing.  

Continued Advocacy for Ongoing Funding to Address Homelessness  

CSAC continues to use the AT HOME framework to guide advocacy efforts to address the state’s homelessness crisis. As part of ongoing advocacy efforts, CSAC submitted a joint budget letter this week with the League of California Cities, Big City Mayors, and the Bring California Home Coalition requesting ongoing HHAP funding of at least $1 billion per year, including a seventh round of funding for the 2025-26 Fiscal Year. Although no additional funding was provided in the Governor’s 2025-26 January Budget proposal, the Governor did call for additional accountability measures as a condition of any future state funding, such as a mechanism to claw back funding from local governments that do not demonstrate adequate process.  


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