CSAC Bulletin Article

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Announces Notice of Funding Availability

May 30, 2024

For those interested, CSAC would like to share the following opportunity:

The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office is pleased to announce that the following grant funding opportunity is now open and accepting applications: Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement.

Safer Outcomes funds are used to promote training on de-escalation and crisis response for law enforcement officers, support personnel employed by law enforcement agencies, and mental health professionals working on crisis intervention teams as employees of a law enforcement agency or under a legal agreement with a law enforcement agency.  The 2024 Safer Outcomes program will encompass three separate solicitations: Curriculum integration for law enforcement academies and state-level training commissions; expansion of regional de-escalation training centers; and support for law enforcement agencies. 

Approximately $18 million is available for this program. Applications are due by July 30, 2024 at 4:59 PM ET.

Please click here for more information on the 2024 Safer Outcomes program.


The Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement program seeks to promote safe outcomes during police encounters with persons in crisis through relevant training. Supported training programs must address one or more of the following areas of focus.

  1. De-escalation tactics and alternatives to use of force.
  2. Safely responding to an individual experiencing a mental or behavioral health or suicidal crisis.
  3. Safe encounters with individuals with disabilities.
  4. Successfully participating on a crisis intervention team.
  5. Making referrals to community-based services and support.

We recognize that de-escalation and crisis response training must be dynamic and ongoing, for this reason we support training in a variety of formats designed to meet the needs of the law enforcement profession. The FY 24 Safer Outcomes program has three solicitations, interested applicants should ensure that they apply under the solicitation that meets their eligibility and intent.

  • Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement – Support for Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement – Expansion of Regional De-Escalation Training Centers
  • Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement – Curriculum Integration for Law Enforcement Academies and State-Level Training Commissions.
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