CSAC Bulletin Article

Reducing Housing Barriers to Jail Community of Practice

August 15, 2024

For those who applied to attend the upcoming Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center three-session virtual community of practice (CoP), Reducing Housing Barriers to Jail Diversion CoP, this serves as a friendly reminder that the next CoP session will be held on August 28 from 2:00—3:30pm ET via Zoom.

Session dates for the CoP will take place from 2:00—3:30 p.m. ET via Zoom web meeting and will be held on the following dates:

  • August 28, 2024
  • September 25, 2024

For those attending, completion of the Reducing Housing Barriers to Jail Diversion CoP, participants will have (1) a better understanding of the evidence-based housing models they can leverage when considering diversion programs, (2) awareness of different emerging best practices being used by communities across the country, and (3) an implementation plan centered around the Zero Returns to Homelessness initiative that they apply in their own communities. Participants will also have an opportunity to connect with peers to solve common challenges and barriers faced in the field. 

This resource was previously noted in the CSAC Bulletin on July 18; please click here for additional information.

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