CSAC Bulletin Article

Unemployment and Other EDD Resources for those Impacted by Los Angeles County Fires

January 16, 2025

The Employment Development Department (EDD) has established a phone line dedicated to those impacted by the fires in Los Angeles County:

  • English: 1-833-998-2284
  • Spanish: 1-855-964-0634
  • Other languages: 1-800-300-5616

The phone lines were created to make it easier for those seeking unemployed, on disability, or who need Paid Family Leave benefits due to the fires in Los Angeles County to reach EDD representatives more quickly.

In addition to the benefits available to those who may have lost their ability to work during a disaster, employers are also eligible for an extension to file payroll taxes for up to two-months.

Additional information on benefits available through EDD for those impacted by disaster can be found on their Disaster Unemployment Assistance page and Disaster-Related Services page, which also includes information on past disasters throughout the state and the availability of EDD disaster-related services for those areas.

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