Please Join Us…
Please join us for our 123rd CSAC Annual Meeting, scheduled for Nov. 28 through Dec. 1 in Sacramento County.
The Annual Meeting takes place in the state capital of what is now the sixth-largest economy in the world, and it will provide the perfect punctuation to put the year in perspective and give direction to the future as well.
Our theme this year is “Sharing the Vision.” The Golden State has a vibrant economy that provides jobs and homes while also giving each resident the opportunity to reach their potential. Together we can create public policy that reflects the diversity of our 58 counties and helps us achieve our common goals. The CSAC Annual Meeting will provide you the tools and information you will need for the work ahead. This is our chance to work together on a shared vision.
Advance Registration is now closed; you must now register on-site.
Preliminary Conference Schedule
Online Registration -Closed!