CSAC Institute Offering Two New Classes in June
The CSAC Institute for Excellence in County Government is presenting two new classes in June at our Sacramento campus. To register, click here.
Survey Design and Analysis
Friday, June 1, 2018 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. in Sacramento
Are you thinking about surveying your employees? Your community? This class will explore the basics of designing a good survey and evaluating the results. We will explore topics such as how do you design questions? What is a good response rate? How do you interpret the responses? Finally, we will look at the features of a popular (and free) online survey tool: Survey Monkey.
Instructor: Mary Kirlin, DPA is a former professor and department chair in public policy at Sacramento State University.
Supporting Homeless and At-Risk Youth – Collaborative Approaches
Friday, June 22, 2018 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. in Sacramento
Homelessness is a pervasive and complex problem impacting all California communities. As counties across the state are implementing innovative and collaborative solutions to address this issue, they are finding that homeless and at-risk youth are a unique subset of the homeless population and therefore need equally unique approaches and interventions. This class will engage participants in a discussion on many facets of youth homelessness including root causes and identification of homeless youth, school/county partnerships, foster youth, truancy and economic development. Attendees will hear from experts in the field along with lessons learned from counties implementing promising and successful programs.
Instructors: County Supervisors and experts from the Institute for Local Government.
To learn about other upcoming classes at the Institute, click here.