CSAC Institute Opens Fourth Campus
Courses Now Offered in Four Counties Around California
The CSAC Institute for Excellence in County Government officially expanded to its fourth campus this week when it held its inaugural class in Contra Costa County. The Institute now hosts courses in Sacramento, San Diego, Merced and Contra Costa Counties.
The expansion makes it easier for county officials and senior staff to access continuing education opportunities through the Institute, which is offering 37 courses during this Winter/Spring Semester. In February, the Institute will be holding six classes: three in Sacramento and one each in the three satellite campuses.
This week was a particularly busy week as Institute courses were held simultaneously in Sacramento and Contra Costa Counties. While participants in Sacramento learned about social media, Contra Costa County attendees focuses on leadership and change.
The CSAC Institute is also partnering with the California County Information Services Directors Association to offer a new California County Technology Executive Credential. The first specialized course for this audience will be held February 7 in Sacramento.
To review the entire Institute Winter/Spring Course Schedule, click here. For more information about the Institute, visit www.csacinstitute.org.