Molly Rattigan, Deputy CEO/Director of Housing and Homeless Services
Napa County
October 12, 2020
Please describe your role with Napa County:
I manage housing and homeless services programs including Whole Person Care, homeless shelters in the county, housing navigation and placement, farmworker centers, down payment and rental assistance programs, and county investments in affordable housing development. Additionally I play a role in County communications and intergovernmental affairs with the federal, state and other local agencies, and oversee certain aspects of fire recovery and COVID-19 response activities.
What motivated you to enter public service?
My grandparents were big believers in community involvement, educated and engaged citizenship, and public service. It was a value they instilled in their children and grandchildren. I personally found public policy and governmental affairs to be my niche as enjoy seeking solutions to evolving problems and needs. However, there are many ways to be a public servant–teaching, nursing, volunteering, etc.
What’s your proudest professional or personal accomplishment?
There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a client get the keys to an apartment after experiencing homelessness or purchasing their first home with our down payment assistance program. Being a small part of that individual’s or family’s success story reminds me of why the work we do in local government is so critically important.
What are you currently reading?
I am fascinated with books on California History. I am currently working my way through a series of books by the former State Librarian, Kevin Starr. The stories are a powerful reminders of where we have been, what we have overcome and what we need to continue to improve.
What makes Napa County special?
The Napa County community always rises to the occasion. Some of our darkest hours have been our finest moments because the community has stepped up to support each other in times of need and crisis. I am constantly amazed by community engagement and involvement and the opportunity for innovation while preserving what our community values most-agriculture. Napa County is a smaller community within the metropolitan Bay Area. We truly get the best of both worlds.