Timely Workshops Scheduled for Upcoming CSAC Annual Meeting
CSAC is developing a slate of workshops for our upcoming Annual Meeting that focus on key issues of importance to California Counties. So please plan on joining us in San Diego County the week of November 26 for these informational workshops, dynamic general sessions, substantive policy meetings and more.
Click here for meeting and registration details
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Women’s Leadership Forum Workshop: Economic Empowerment:
Women in the Workforce
The Shriver Report identified that in 2014 42 million women, and the 28 million children who depend on them, are living one single incident—a doctor’s bill, a late paycheck, or a broken-down car—away from economic ruin. This is at a time when women earn most of the college and advanced degrees in this country, make most of the consumer spending decisions by far, and are more than half of the nation’s voters. Hear from a diverse panel of women who will discuss the steps that have been taken, and need to be taken, to ensure economic empowerment for women. Panelists will also share information about how they were able to overcome the gender gap to become prominent leaders in their communities.
9:00 am – 11:30 am
CSAC Innovation Summit: The Driving Edge of Autonomous
Vehicle and Transportation Safety
The technology necessary to deploy autonomous and connected vehicles is no longer a prediction of the future. There are currently 10 automated vehicle testing grounds in the U.S., two of which are in California. The implications of autonomous technology are far reaching and can be both beneficial and potentially disruptive to mobility, the economy and overall quality of life. Other economic advancements such as transportation network companies may have compounding effects on the implications of this rapidly-changing technology. Join this discussion which will provide insights on connected and autonomous vehicles and their potential implications and effects on counties.
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Understanding Public Service Ethics Laws and Principles
(AB 1234 Training)
State law requires that elected and appointed officials receive training in specified ethics laws and principles every two years. Newly elected and appointed officials must receive this training within one year of becoming a public servant. This two-hour training will provide the basics and a number of real world examples/hypotheticals to help you fulfill this mandatory training.
8:30 am – 10:00 am
2018 Election Debrief – What’s Next for Counties
This late-breaking, emerging issues workshop will breakdown the
2018 November election and the major changes facing counties.
Statewide ballot measures impacting how counties provide
transportation infrastructure and collect discretionary revenue
are before voters. What happens if they pass? Plus, California
will welcome in a new Governor who could reshape the state-local
relationship. Back east, congressional shake-ups could hurt or
help statewide and local policy goals. Attendees will hear from
issue experts and political insiders about the elections outcomes
and what it means for your county as we look to 2019 and beyond.
1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Homelessness and Housing: New Opportunities
Join county supervisors, state staff and providers for a conversation on homelessness in California. From affordable housing to emergency shelters, counties are grappling with homelessness issues across the spectrum. And while the 2018-19 state budget includes more than $700 million in new funding for local governments to combat homelessness, counties must balance both the short-term and long-term needs of their communities to design a comprehensive local response to the issue. Co-sponsored by CSAC and the Latino Caucus of California Counties.
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
California County Roundtable: What’s Going On In
Your County?
That’s the question at the heart of the “California County
Roundtable”, a workshop featuring county supervisors discussing
what’s important right now in their counties —whether those are
thorny problems, clever solutions, or important issues they think
other county officials should be thinking about. After
supervisors give their three-minute presentations, attendees will
have the opportunity to talk at length about the subjects that
were raised and the connections they made with what’s going on in
their own counties.
Early-bird Registration Deadline: Friday, October 12