CSAC Applauds Governor’s Framework to Address Wildfire, Utility & Safety Issues
June 21, 2019
Contact: David Liebler, dliebler@counties.org, 916-327-7500, ext. 530
The following statement was made by CSAC Executive Director Graham Knaus regarding the Governor’s “Status Report on Catastrophic Wildfires, Climate Change and our Energy Future.”
“We applaud the Governor and his Administration for putting forth a framework solution that will address critical wildfire, utility and safety issues in California. Counties have worked diligently over the last year to support measures addressing the many complex issues surrounding catastrophic wildfire, including utility-caused wildfires and liability. Our goal has always been to create a safe, fair and stable system that protects victims and ratepayers, while meeting our electricity needs — and protecting our communities against future tragedies. We are encouraged by the progress the Governor has made and look forward to seeing the details of his plan. Working together, we can move toward developing comprehensive solutions to this serious issue.”