Three Counties, One City Honored with Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards
March 26, 2015
League of California Cities: Eva Spiegel, (916) 658-8228
California State Association of Counties: Gregg Fishman, (916) 327-7500
Sacramento — The County Engineers Association of California and the League of California Cities Public Works Officers’ Institute today announced the winners of the 2015 Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards at their annual spring meeting in Orange County. The four winners, three counties and one city, were recognized for making extraordinary efforts to preserve and improve the overall quality of the local streets and roads system. The county of Los Angeles is the overall winner with the counties of Alameda and Santa Barbara, and the city of Coronado also winning in different categories. Full descriptions of the winning projects and finalists can be found at
Sponsored by the League of California Cities, California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and County Engineers Association of California, (CEAC) the Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards Program recognizes projects that serve as best practices and can be replicated by other jurisdictions. The award is also an acknowledgement of the cities and counties that promote sustainability in the local transportation system.
Los Angeles County won the overall award for the Willowbrook Community Road Improvement Project, which re-used material from deteriorating roadways and old tires to repave the streets.
The results are impressive:
68 percent reduction in energy consumption;
57 percent reduction in GHG emissions;
Reduced landfill deposits by 32,000 cubic yards;
Diverted 18,300 scrap tires from landfills; and
Cost savings of $2,200,000.
“This year’s award winners show how local governments can design and deliver innovative, cost effective projects while still being good environmental stewards and meeting the transportation needs of our communities,” said Mike Penrose, president of CEAC and Sacramento County director of transportation. Penrose says recognizing innovation is especially important given the projected shortfall in funding for local roads and bridges in California. “The total funding need over the next 10 years is $108 billion, but the current funding mechanisms from state and federal sources still leave a shortfall of $78.3 billion in that time frame.”
Bonnie Teaford, public works director for the city of Burbank and president of the League of California Cities’ Public Works Department, commended the extraordinary work exemplified by these projects. “The award winning projects and finalists showcase what can be accomplished with best practices. These counties and cities have implemented a wide range of innovations in our local transportation system that serve as the backbone for strong communities and a strong statewide economy. We celebrate them.” She also cautioned that California’s local road system is in dire need of investment. “California’s local streets and roads however are on the brink. The current funding supporting the roadways that make up 80 percent of the state’s transportation system is insufficient. Without new funding, the roads will literally crumble beneath our feet and wheels, putting our people, visitors and the economy at risk.”
Forward-thinking cities and counties have made extraordinary efforts to protect and improve the existing local transportation system through a variety of projects and programs. Through these exemplary efforts, cities and counties are reducing drive times and congestion; improving driver, bicycle, and pedestrian safety; and ultimately reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Green technologies are less resource intensive, emit fewer
harmful air pollutants, and produce less water pollution.
Ultimately, a safe, well-maintained, and environmentally friendly
local transportation system significantly saves cities and
counties, and taxpayers, money in the long-term.
Projects and programs included:
Progressive preservation programs;
Employment of emerging technologies and materials;
Critical safety projects;
Accommodating all users through complete streets and active transportation projects;
Partnerships with agencies, organizations, and/or the media to achieve a desired outcome; and
Innovation in project delivery.
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