CSAC Bulletin Article

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program Challenge Process Now Open

July 11, 2024

Beginning July 8, the BEAD Challenge Phase is active on the BEAD Challenge Portal until August 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PST. Throughout this period, local and Tribal governments, non-profits, and broadband service providers may utilize the portal to submit evidence to contest the accuracy of the FCC’s National Broadband Map in identifying locations as unserved, underserved, or served.

The BEAD Challenge Phase initiates the 120-day Bead Challenge Process, which allows certain entities, including county governments, to challenge designations in the FCC’s National Broadband Map that are used to determine eligibility for BEAD grant funding. After the BEAD Challenge Phase, the CPUC will evaluate submitted challenges to ensure they meet required evidentiary standards and are subject to rebuttal. Challenged service providers have thirty days to present opposing evidence for disputed locations. After that period, the CPUC will review all information and decide the outcomes of contested challenges by October 19. In the weeks following, the CPUC will submit challenge results and final eligibility determinations to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), which has until December 18 to approve or reverse CPUC determinations. After the Challenge Process, subject to the approval of NTIA, a final map of locations eligible for BEAD funding will be published.

When logging into the Portal, there is a “Challenge Submission” option indicating that submissions are being accepted. As an alternative option, entities can submit evidence via the BEAD Consumer Challenge website.

For more details on the Challenge Process, visit the BEAD Challenge Process webpage to access updates and sign up for informative events.

Prior CSAC Bulletin BEAD Articles:

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